ESF Ways to Work Programme
ESF Ways to Work Programme
16 – 19 Careers IAG
Ways to Work: Careers Information Advice and Guidance for Young People
Purpose of the Service
To provide intensive careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) support for young people across Wirral who are not in education, employment or training (NEET); with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.
Who the Service is aimed at
It is available primarily to young people who are NEET and aged 16 - 19 and relevant young adults (i.e. those aged 19 and over but under 25 with particular learning difficulties or an Education and Health Care Plan).
Summary of the offer
The Service provides professional staff to focus on:
- Wirral residents;
- A public facing service, this may include evening and weekend working;
- Delivering careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) to raise aspirations and move young people into employment or learning;
- Referring young people who have barriers to their participation in learning and employment to suitable support services to overcome these before continuing to work to place them in employment or learning;
- Providing support for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) to enable them to attain their full potential;
- Actively challenging bias and stereotypical attitudes and promoting anti-racist and other anti-discriminatory practices.
The Service aims to increase the engagement of young people through the following:
- Working with young people as directed by the local authority;
- Supporting the local authority to deliver the Raising the Participation Age agenda;
- Sharing accurate, complete and timely data regarding young people with the Council’s young people tracking service.
The Service is responsible for identifying and referring to specific programmes of support for NEET young people where appropriate, and monitoring their progress in collaboration with the other agencies involved to enable a smooth transition between placements, referrals and IAG providers.
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