We welcome your comments, compliments, complaints and suggestions.
Is there any information you would like to see?
How easy are you able to find information you want?
Have you found a broken link or would like to suggest a useful link to put on the website?
If you would like a response to your feedback please leave your name and contact information and we will get back to you within 7 days.
If you want to give us some general feedback about the Connexions service please make sure you email your nearest centre or pop in and complete a feedback form and post it in the box at the centre.
This service is for young people aged 13 to 19 across the Greater Merseyside Area.
If you are over 19 or live outside the Merseyside area you can use the National Careers Service facilities - contact them on 0800 100 900
Want to get in touch?
Please feel free to get in touch - we'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
* note: all fields are required.