Modern Slavery Statement
Section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain commercial organisations to produce a Modern Slavery Statement. Career Connect is not required to produce a statement under Section 54, but has produced this statement to demonstrate its commitment to ensuring there is no modern slavery in its business or supply chain.
About Career Connect
Career Connect is a charity who are passionate about providing high quality independent careers advice, bridging the gap to learning and employment and better life chances for young people and adults. It provides a wide range of services funded by Central Government, Local Authorities, schools and colleges in the North West of England, Career Connect is also a provider of the National Careers Service for adults and delivers the Achieve NW Connect contract for NOMS CFO3.
Career Connect directly employs around 300 staff and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK. The supply chain for the delivery of services includes about 60 staff in the same situation.
Career Connect does come into contact with customers in vulnerable groups such as refugees, and so will focus on identifying potential victims of modern slavery in its customer base and signposting them to appropriate support.
Responsibility for the Charity’s response to modern slavery resides with the Corporate Safeguarding Committee, and specifically the Director with Safeguarding Responsibility.
Career Connect includes the reporting of suspected modern slavery through the Safeguarding Policy and associated procedures. The Escalation Policy and the Whistleblowing Policy encourage staff to report their concerns with about modern slavery and other related issues.
The Procurement Policy requires that suppliers undergo a selection process before being added to the approved supplier list.
All staff, in all roles, are trained in safeguarding issues at induction, and the training is updated annually. This includes modern slavery and human trafficking. Additionally, Career Connect maintains an e-learning package on Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery.
Going Forward
Career Connect will continue to be vigilant about modern slavery, and to keep up to date with trends and issues. Should a change in circumstances require, Career Connect will review and enhance its response to modern slavery.
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