
Notice Board

Current Vacancies

HMPPS CFO Activity Hubs 


HM Prisons & Probation Service are commissioning Activity Hubs in community locations that will offer wide ranging tailored support for offenders – in particular those who are considered disadvantaged, facing multiple barriers to employment and not fully supported by existing programmes. 

Achieve North West intend to bid for HMPPS Activity Hubs in the North West contract package area. We are looking for Expressions of Interest from organisations of all sizes, who provide high quality services, to partner with us. We are seeking provision that will help participants not to re-offend, increase their access to mainstream opportunities and move them closer to the labour market. Offender participation will be voluntary. Hubs will provide bespoke support through the provision of activities focused on personal development, citizenship, social and economic integration into the community.

We are seeking provision including (please see draft specification on our portal for full details):

  • Arts including crafts, drama, media, music and dance; sports; delivery of one off community projects
  • Family support, relationship coaching, community development activity, literacy and numeracy, life skills, debt advice, work-related mentoring, accommodation advice and support

Achieve North West Connect deliver a range of services to offenders both in custody and the community across the North West England including the HMPPS Co-Financing Organisation/European Social Fund Project ‘’CFO3’’. Since 2010 our award-winning services have built a proven track record of delivering high impact services to offenders. Through direct delivery and our network of partners and sub-contractors we provide specialist services in offender focussed education, training, employment (ETE) and social inclusion. Achieve North West Connect is a wholly owned subsidiary of Career Connect, a charity providing wide ranging support, information, advice and guidance to people of all ages to help them enter and sustain education, training and employment. 

For further information and to complete a copy of our Expression of Interest form, please visit: The deadline for completion is 20th April 2020 17:00hrs.

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